Shakespeare, love and a gorilla

The White Hor­se Theat­re, which has been pre­sen­ting its plays at the Wil­ly Brandt com­pre­hen­si­ve school in Ker­pen for many years now, came to our school twice this year (in Febru­ary and in June). The White Hor­se Theat­re, which has been pre­sen­ting its plays at the Wil­ly Brandt com­pre­hen­si­ve school in Ker­pen for many years now, came to our school twice this year (in Febru­ary and in June). In Febru­ary they hel­ped us under­stand Shakespeare’s Othel­lo bet­ter – despi­te the Shake­speari­an Eng­lish – becau­se of their very good and expres­si­ve acting. Pupils told me that they had real­ly unders­tood the sto­ry, which has also got some­thing to do with our school becau­se it is about racism against black peo­p­le in for­mer times and the Wil­ly Brandt com­pre­hen­si­ve school is a ̔ school against racism ̓ now. In June the actors mes­mo­ri­zed us with a very sur­pri­sing ending (the girl­fri­ends rejec­ted their boy­fri­ends) and fight­ing sce­nes, which the male pupils apre­cia­ted very much, in their juve­ni­le adapt­a­ti­on of Two Gen­tle­men. It was also about fri­end­ship, rela­ti­onships and love – the­mes which youngs­ters espe­ci­al­ly like. A girl in our class told me that she was very impres­sed by the pre­sen­ta­ti­on and that she would love to see more plays in Eng­lish. The second play pre­sen­ted in June was Billy’s fri­end, whe­re a goril­la was a boy’s fri­end becau­se his par­ents were very bru­tal towards him and he nee­ded sup­port. The goril­la defen­ded him against his par­ents and final­ly the par­ents accept­ed the new, unu­su­al fri­end. The public was par­ti­cu­lar­ly caught by the actor with goril­la attri­bu­tes like fur or a goril­la voice. The youn­ger ones always like to be part of the play, so they were very ent­housi­a­stic about the goril­la hiding from Bil­ly in the assem­bly hall among the spec­ta­tors. The White Hor­se Theat­re always knows very well how to win pupils for theat­re in Eng­lish and their bril­li­ant actors as well as the stra­te­gies to cap­tu­re the spec­ta­tors work­ed well once more. We are loo­king for­ward to taking part in new adven­tures! See you again next year! 

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