English theatre at Willy Brandt comprehensive school

It was a year full of theat­re! The White Hor­se Theat­re Com­pa­ny from Soest came to our school twice this year (in Febru­ary and March) and deligh­ted us with The Tiger of the seas for the smal­ler ones, Future Per­fect for the tee­nies and The Twelfth Night by Wil­liam Shake­speare for the advan­ced Eng­lish learners.

Who didn’t like to make wind and sea noi­ses in the pira­te play? (The Tiger of the seas) Wasn’t it good to know that ever­yo­ne can beco­me someone despi­te his or her life set­tings? (Future Per­fect) Didn’t we under­stand Shake­speare bet­ter becau­se White Hor­se Theat­re pre­sen­ted him in a fun­ny way and with live saxo music? (The Twelfth Night)

It’s a plea­su­re to wel­co­me dif­fe­rent, out­stan­ding actors from White Hor­se every year and we’re always over­whel­med by the way they per­form kno­wing their young age… The pupils enjoy the plays and like being part of them becau­se the actors of White Hor­se inte­gra­te them. The ques­ti­ons that can be asked to the actors are a good oppor­tu­ni­ty for the Eng­lish lear­ners to get into cont­act with the actors in Eng­lish and get to know more about them.

Eng­lish Theat­re is…spitze!

We’re loo­king for­ward to our next theat­re expe­ri­ence! Thank you White Hor­se Theatre!

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